Why Do Some Photos Have Logo Or Signature In Them? (Autostamper custom camera : Add Geotag & Timestamp)
Adding Logo and Signature stamps to the image help in making those images unique and free from copyright. You can add Those Stamps using an Autostamper custom camera . After downloading Autostamper custom camera: Add Geotag & Timestamp application from google play store. 1) Signature stamp Step 1) Click on the Signature Stamp Option for adding various features to the Signature stamp. • Now you have to just enable the Signature stamp feature. By simply clicking on the toggle button. Step2) Now on clicking the Signature option. You, Will, see the option for adding signature in the form of texts. You can add your special character of a unique combination of texts as your signature Step3) By selecting Stamp size you can change the size of the stamp as per your requirement. The various stamp sizes are available here and the minimum size of the stamp should be 1and the maximum could 99 Step 4) By clicking o...